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Lieder Volume 3, High Voice & Piano
Schubert, Franz
Schubert Lieder Volume 3, High Voice & Piano
Schubert lieder for discerning musicians. The New Schubert Edition is the only scholarly-critical edition that will, once completed, include Franz Schubert's lieder in their entirety. In response to the rising expectations of performers and listeners alike, all the lieder will be published over the next few years in performing editions containing the text of Walther Dürr, the eminent Schubert scholar and former Managing Editor of the New Schubert Edition.
Walther Dürr , one of the most distinguished Schubert scholars, has edited the third volume of Schubert lieder in versions for high, medium and low voice. With this publication, further lieder are now available in Schubert’s original groupings with definitive texts based on the “New Schubert Edition”. The third volume contains not only well-known lieder such as “ Der Wanderer an den Mond ” and “ An die Musik ” but also Schubert’s best-known song cycle “Die Winterreise ”.
The appendix contains five lieder from this cycle (“ Wasserflut ”, “ Rast ”, “ Einsamkeit ”, “ Mut ” and “ Der Leiermann ”) in the keys in which Schubert originally wrote them. For the first edition these were transposed into lower keys by him or his publisher Haslinger .
Therefore, the volume for high voice (BA 9103) contains a further attraction for tenors whereas the tessituras in the main part of the volume are more suitable for a high baritone. In the editions for medium voice (BA 9123) and low voice (BA 9143) , the appendix contains alternative higher versions for these songs.
The practical side of music-making has also been taken into account in this edition. The larger format of the volumes guarantees a clear easy-to-read layout. The extensive foreword by Walther Dürr (Ger, Eng) describes the genesis and transmission of each lied as well as its sources.
- Includes the definitive musical text from the New Schubert Edition
- Newly engraved with a spacious appearance and larger format (23 x 30 cm)
- Ideal page turns
- Editorial decisions and conflicting readings from main sources are now identified in this performing edition
- Alternative versions are reproduced in the appendix
- Introduction by Walther Dürr focuses on peculiarities in the genesis and performance history of each lied and provides solid information on performance practice
- Adopts straightforward ordering principle from the New Schubert Edition: first by opus number, then in chronological order
- Complete transposition into three vocal registers finally allows every singer to work with the latest findings of Schubert scholarship
- Includes English translations of the lieder texts by Richard Wigmore
The edition is scheduled to consists of 13 volumes. Each volume will appear in three editions; one for high voice, one for middle voice and one for low voice.
- Der Wanderer an den Mond, Op.80,1 D 870 [Schubert, Franz]
- Das Zügenglöcklein, Op.80,2 D 871 [Schubert, Franz]
- Im Freien, Op.80,3 D 880 [Schubert, Franz]
- Alinde, Op.81,1 D 904 [Schubert, Franz]
- An die Laute, Op.81,2 D 905 [Schubert, Franz]
- Drei Gesänge für Bass-Stimme Op.83 D 902 [Schubert, Franz]
- Lied der Anne Lyle, Op.85,1 D 830 [Schubert, Franz]
- Gesang der Norna, Op.85,2 D 831 [Schubert, Franz]
- Romanze des Richard Löwenherz, Op.86 D 907 [Schubert, Franz]
- Der Unglückliche, Op.87,1 D 713 [Schubert, Franz]
- Hoffnung, Op.87,2 D 637 [Schubert, Franz]
- Der Jüngling am Bache, Op.87,3 D 638 [Schubert, Franz]
- Abendlied für die Entfernte, Op.88,1 D 856 [Schubert, Franz]
- Thekla (eine Geisterstimme), Op.88,2 D 595 [Schubert, Franz]
- Um Mitternacht, Op.88,3 D 862 [Schubert, Franz]
- An die Musik, Op.88,4 D 547 [Schubert, Franz]
- Winterreise, Op.89 D 911 [Schubert, Franz]
- Der Musensohn, Op.92,1 D 764 [Schubert, Franz]
- Auf dem See, Op.92,2 D 543 [Schubert, Franz]
- Geistes-Gruß, Op.92,3 D 142 [Schubert, Franz]
- Im Walde, Op.93,1 D 834 [Schubert, Franz]
- Auf der Bruck, Op.93,2 D 853 [Schubert, Franz]
- Vier Refrainlieder, Op.95 D 866 [Schubert, Franz]
- Die Sterne, Op.96,1 D 939 [Schubert, Franz]
- Jägers Liebeslied, Op.96,2 D 909 [Schubert, Franz]
- Wandrers Nachtlied, Op.96,3 D 768 [Schubert, Franz]
- Fischerweise, Op.96,4 D 881 [Schubert, Franz]
- Glaube, Hoffnung und Liebe, Op.97 D 955 [Schubert, Franz]
- An die Nachtigall, Op.98,1 D 497 [Schubert, Franz]
- Wiegenlied, Op.98,2 D 498 [Schubert, Franz]
- Iphigenia, Op.98,3 D 573 [Schubert, Franz]