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Kleine geistliche Konzerte I (Score, hardback)
Schütz, Heinrich
Schütz Kleine geistliche Konzerte I (Score, hardback)
The "Kleine geistliche Konzerte" (Small Sacred Concertos), published in two parts in 1636 and 1639, are among the best-known and well-loved compositions of Heinrich Schütz. Both parts constitute a collection of vocal pieces in a broad range of styles written for only a few voices with basso continuo. Most of the texts are in German, but some are also in Latin. The first volume presents a broad spectrum of vocal scoring, musical forms and texts: there are solo concertos in the Italian style, traditional four-part motets, well-known Psalm texts set to music, hymns as well as mystically contemplative meditative literature. The concertos' monodic qualities and high level of virtuosity - especially in the compositions with German text - made Schütz a household name shortly after the "Kleine geistliche Konzerte" were published in print. As the works required no large ensembles, they could be performed for different occasions and in various locations; particularly during the Thirty Years' War they could be heard at court, in cities or in villages but also in schools or at home.
Unlike the 1963 edition of the "Kleine geistliche Konzerte" (BA 3664, BA 3665, BA 3666) as part of the New Schütz Edition, this new volume presents the works for the first time in their original form and order. A historic-critical evaluation of all relevant sources yields new information regarding the composer's intentions, the printing process and the works' reception. Furthermore, the edition includes a reconstruction of an earlier version that has not been published until now. This edition is geared towards musicologists, as well as professional musicians and amateurs with a keen interest in early music.
- First edition to present the works in their original form and order
- Includes a previously unpublished earlier version
- New information regarding the composer’s intention, the printing process, and the works’ reception
- Heinrich Schütz. New Edition of the Complete Works 10/11
- 1. Eile mich, Gott, zu erretten SWV 282 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 2. Bringt her dem Herren SWV 283 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 3. Ich danke dem Herrn SWV 284 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 4. O süßer, o freundlicher SWV 285 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 5. Der Herr ist groß und sehr löblich SWV 286 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 6. O lieber Herre Gott, wecke uns auf SWV 287 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 7. Ihr Heiligen, lobsinget dem Herren SWV 288 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 8. Erhöre mich, wenn ich rufe SWV 289 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 9. Wohl dem, der nicht wandelt SWV 290 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 10. Schaffe in mir, Gott, ein reines Herz SWV 291 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 11. Der Herr schauet vom Himmel SWV 292 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 12. Lobet den Herren, der zu Zion wohnet SWV 293 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 13. Eins bitte ich vom Herren SWV 294 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 14. O hilf, Christe, Gottes Sohn / Christe Deus adjuva SWV 295 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 15. Fürchte dich nicht SWV 296 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 16. O Herr, hilf, o Herr, laß wohl gelingen SWV 297 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 17. Das Blut Jesu Christi SWV 298 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 18. Die Gottseligkeit ist zu allen Dingen nütz SWV 299 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 19. Himmel und Erden vergehen SWV 300 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 20. Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland / Veni redemtor gentium SWV 301 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 21. Ein Kind ist uns geboren SWV 302 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 22. Wir gläuben all an einen Gott SWV 303 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 23. Siehe, mein Fürsprecher SWV 304 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 24. Ich hab mein Sach Gott heimgestellt / Meas dicavi res Deo SWV 305 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- Appendix: 6a. O lieber Herre Gott, wecke uns auf SWV 287a [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 7a. Ihr Heiligen, lobsinget dem Herren SWV 288 [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 8a. Erhöre mich, wenn ich rufe SWV 289a [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 15a. Fürchte dich nicht SWV 296a [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 20a. Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland SWV 301a [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 21a. Ein Kind ist uns geboren SWV 302a [Schütz, Heinrich]
- 23a. Siehe, mein Fürsprecher SWV 304a [Schütz, Heinrich]